- secret transport of persons
- search for persons
- Services hotel detectives
- tracking people
- Business Intelligence
- bodyguarding
- Camera systems
- Tracking vehicles
SIAIS - Company History
Established in 1991, Pinkerton CZ focused during the first years of its existence in the Czech Republic on security guard services, escorting money transports and other activities that did not quite match the traditional image of Pinkerton, generally associated with that of the detective. It was the original logo of the company (an open eye with a "We never sleep" sign), which gave rise to a now frequently used synonym for a detective - "private eye").
The situation slowly changed, also thanks to the active involvement of our home company from California, and we gradually management to set up a sound group of detectives, mostly former members of police forces, with extensive experience gained during their assignments with the criminal police. The detective section of Pinkerton became involved in numerous cases, including serious cases of kidnapping and blackmail, various forms of investigation for Czech and foreign clients, etc.
In early 1999, a majority stake in Pinkerton was acquired by Securitas, whose strategy did not focus on detective services. Consequently, the detective section was cancelled and its staff released. By the end of 2000, we managed to establish SIAIS s.r.o. (Security, Investigation and Intelligence Service, Ltd.) and to conclude a contract with Pinkerton Slovakia for their exclusive trade representation in the Czech Republic. Thanks to this, we managed to keep most of the former staff and offer services identikal to those offered to former clients of Pinkerton CR.
These circumstances and our membership in various Czech and international professional associations are a guarantee of the quality of the services offered. Our employees offering services of body guarding are members of IBSSA (International Bodyguard and Security Services Association), the company is a member of the Czech Association of Private Detektives and Detektive Services (Česká komora soukromých detektivů a detektivních služeb) and the Economic Chamber. We are members WAD (World Association of Detektives, Inc.). One of the greatest advantages offered to our clients is the possibility of international investigation through a wide network of detectives all around the world. We also maintain close contacts with the IPA (International Police Association).
Our employees are able to communication in English, German and Spanish.